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PAN Industries Casing Slips are made out of best quality of alloy steel having an API taper of 4 inch per feet on the diameter, fitted with circular buttons and with 3 to 4 Nos of upright handles. Multi Segment design of slips ensures self centering of casings in the rotary table. Slips insert are so designed that these hold the casing pipe firmly with-out causing any damage. The advantage of multi segment design lies in the fact that by simply increasing or decreasing the number of slip segments, casing sizes from 5 inch to 30 inch OD can be handled with ease while dressing the slip with appropriate size of insert.



DESCRIPTION Casing Size (OD, inches)
Casing Slip 5 6-5/8 7 7-5/8 8-5/8 9-5/8* 10-3/4*
P/N, Slip Complete with Circular Buttons 20300 20300A 20301 20302 20303 20304 20305 20306
Weight Complete with Insert (Approx) 89 kg. 88 kg. 89 kg. 84 kg. 76 kg. 83 kg. 88 kg. 95 kg.
Total number of Segments 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 15
Total number of Intermediate Segments 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 13
Total number of Hings Pins 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 14


DESCRIPTION Casing Size (OD, inches)
Casing Slip 11-3/4* 13-3/8* 16* 18-5/8* 20* 24* 26* 30*
P/N, Slip Complete with Circular Buttons 20307 20308 20309 20310 20311 20312 20313 20314
Weight Complete with Insert (Approx) 118 kg. 112 kg. 140 kg. 167 kg. 175 kg. 202 kg. 222 kg. 249 kg.
Total number of Segments 17 18 21 25 26 30 33 37
Total number of Intermediate Segments 15 16 19 23 24 28 21 35
Total number of Hings Pins 16 17 20 24 25 29 32 36

Note: *These Sizes are furnished with four handle.

Casing Slip Spare Parts List:

Segment – Right End 20316
Segment-Left End 20317
Segment-Intermediate 20318
Hinge Pin with Cotter Pin 20319
Handle Pin with Washer & Cotter Pin 20320
Handle for Right & Left End Segment 20321
Handle for Intermediate Segments 20322
Retaining Screw with Lock Washer 20323


Circular Buttons for CMS-SL & CP-S Slips

Slips Circular Buttons
Type Casing Sizes (Inches) Part No. Qty. Per Set








5 20221-132 132
20222-132 132
6.5/8 20228-144 144
7 20219-144 144
7.5/8 20230-144 144
8.5/8 20230-156 156
9.5/8 20230-168 168
10.3/4 20230-180 180
11.3/4 20227-204 204
13.3/8 20230-216 216
16 20231-252 252
18.5/8 20226-300 300
20 20231-312 312
24 20231-360 360
26 20231-396 396
30 20231-444 444


CP-S Conductor Slips

DESCRIPTION Pipe Size (OD, inches)
Slip Complete with Circular Button 24 26 30
Part No. 20341 20342 20343
Weight 125 kg. 134 kg. 145 kg.


Manufacturer’s names, equipment names, reference part number and trademarks utilized on this website are solely for identification purposes. Pan Industries is not affiliated with, licensed by, or endorsed by any of the original equipment manufacturers (OEM) mentioned. We wish to clarify that our products are compatible replacements intended for use in equipment manufactured by these OEMs. The original equipment manufacturers mentioned on this website do not endorse, sponsor, or warranty our supply of parts. Our aim is to provide high-quality replacement spares without causing any confusion regarding our association with the original equipment manufacturers.